Concept of Good Intern Programme

Medical internship marks the blossoming of a medical graduate emerging from the medical faculty.

Improving the quality of the internship becomes a worthy investment for the present and the future of the intern medical officers, their patients as well as for the entire health system.

—Origin of Concept

—A novel concept by the Leadership of GMOA


——An initiative to improve the quality of the internship period

—Coined as “Good Intern Program”


“To generate self-satisfied Intern Medical Officers having competence, compassion and delivering optimum patient care”


To prepare the pre-interns and empower the interns for an internship period with a culture of “Good Medical Practice”


  • —Optimisation of the medical professional
  • —Enhancing standards in health care
  • —Human Resource development
  • —Health system development
  • —Ensuring patient safety
  • —Upgrade quality of patient care delivery
  • —Creating a culture of research and innovations
  • —Enhancing Equity
  • —Enhancing accountability
  • —Building capacity & value addition of the intern medical officers

Modules of Good Intern Programme

Module 01 – 2ry  Language Training Programme

Module 02 – Skills Training Programme

Module 03 – 04 day Good intern workshop

Module 01 – 2ry  Language Training Programme

for further details please visit 2ry language Training Programme

Module 02 – Skills Training Programme for Pre-interns

for further details please visit  Skills Training Programme

Module 03 – 04 day Good intern workshop

Good Intern Program 2014 (Project Proposal)


With rising patient expectations and increasing availability of information, quality and safety issues are reflected in the healthcare system in wide variations nowadays.  Thus improving the quality of the service provision of the health sector is been discussed in various forums. In order to improve the quality of the human resource of medical profession, the internship is a decisive period.

On successful completion of the MBBS degree,for the  full registration as medical practitioners, they need to fulfill the criteria as mentioned in Medical Ordinance.The first one year of resident period medical graduates have to undergo, is termed as the“Internship period”, in which the provisionally registered medical graduates have to engage intwo six-monthly appointments.

The potential of an intern was not adequately appreciated over the years.  Interns have a vital role in all the 6 building blocks identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as being essential to ensure health care access, coverage, patient safety and quality:

1.Service delivery

2.Health workforce

3.Information and research

4.Healthcare financing

5.Leadership./ governance

6.Medical products and technologies

According to WHO, Strengthening a health system means addressing the constraints of the above building blocks. Ensuring the quality of the internship would directly strengthen the No 1 and 2 blocks while indirectly affect the others positively as well. Thus preparation and orientation of the pre-interns who are awaiting the internship, would be an worthy attempt to uplift the quality of the health system.

If the pre-intern medical officers commence the internship with a sound understanding of Good Medical Practice, the quality of their service delivery will be satisfactory. Furthermore such a preparation would enhance their level of satisfaction and the quality of life during internship.

The benefits of this program can be categorized as:

-For the patients:

Improved service delivery

Increased responsive of the doctors for their perceptions

Ensured compliance with improved communication skills

-For the hospitals:

Increased client satisfaction

Reduction of inter-staff conflicts

-For the country:

Reduced waste of money due to rational prescribing

-For the doctors:

Improved satisfaction and efficient service delivery

3.The Logical Framework Matrix of phase 03 of Good Intern Program-

Narrative summary Indicator Source and means of verification Assumptions
Goal Enhance the quality and safety of medical care through generating self-satisfied Intern Medical Officers having competence, compassion and delivering optimum patient care Evaluations given by the IMOs, other staff and patients Review meetings and day today reporting
Objective To prepare the pre-interns and empower the interns for an internship period with a culture of “Good Medical Practice Self-evaluations of the participants as well as from the consultants Pre and post assessments of the self-awareness and the pre and post evaluations of the consultants Maximum participation of the pre-interns
Output To conduct 04 good intern programs for pre-interns(The content is annexed) Success of the implementation of the programs No of participantsNo of learning activities doneFeedback of the participants Financial resources finalized
Activities 1.Conduction of  research projects2.Get the logistics prepared3.Program communication to the pre-interns4.Getting the content area specified5.Formulating the booklet Resources: Questionnaires,Research assistant,Resource personnel,Teaching materials“Good Medical Practice” guidelines Costs: (Refer Budget report) Research activities progress prior to the programConsensus reached on teaching materials and the content

4. The Way forward:

The “Good Intern Program” is supposed to be continued annually in the upcoming years as well.

Day 1 (3)

GIP 1 -2013


Modified GIP 2015


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